When I read my fellow classmates blog titled Austin Smoking Ban- so ridiculous, it kinda makes sense, it sparked my interest because I've been working in a resteraunt for the past 3 years. Now what my classmate, T.J Porter, mentions in his blog about how there is a non smoking ban period inside or out of a resteraunt establishment and if it benifits the public or not. Mr Porter does state that its our votes that counted for this matter to be taken care of, in which of course we as people voted that there should be no smoking even outside on the patio.
I believe, unlike Mr. Porter, in a way it does improve the health of citizens. Sort of. There are people who like to sit outside on the patio that are non-smokers that would not like to get a whiff of second hand smoke. I do agree with most of all the other things he stated in his comment regarding Non-smoking in places. I know from experience that at work, alot of people ask me if there is smoking permitted outside on the patio, which I've gotten this question both asked by smokers and non-smokers. Of course the smokers are bummed that they can't smoke on the patio, but very well can do so in the waiting area that is near the patio. Then of course the non smokers are happy because they can enjoy a nice day on the patio without the scent of smoke looming in the air. For me, I don't mind sitting near a smoker if the wind is blowing the smoke in the opposite direction where I'm sitting. However if its coming towards me, then I really don't want to be smelling like an ash tray when I get home. So to put it simply, I don't like sitting next, or near a smoker when I'm eating. Besides, smoking is just gross period!
Overall my classmate T.J Porter wrote about a very good topic at hand.